It’s Heart Breaking To Me.

I was in the middle of writing a completely different post, which was actually having a very sentimental vibe but now that’s shot to shit. I am having phenominal waves of every emotion right now.

I was interrupted by a Facebook page status about the progress of a little puppy’s life. At first, I didn’t know what was it about but the picture of the poor thing drew me in and appropriatelly scared me. Something horrible happened to him.

Apparently, a very nasty and vile family in the city of Kragujevac decided they’re going to, for no justifiable reason, beat up their puppy and if that wasn’t enough, pour acid all over him and leave him in their backyard struggling in pain. Why did I say for no justifiable reason, justifying this is impossible. The article was mainly describing all of the painful process he’s going through in order to make him healthy again. His skin is incredibly damaged and with each day, burns and wounds appear in more places and of course, all of this hurts him in amounts we can’t imagine. Thankfully, the wounds and pain are curable, it just takes a lot of time. They have enough money for his treatment but what they don’t have is a place for him.

I think that’s a very good sign of how his health is improving. Pretty soon, he’s going to need a loving home and a loving family that will take care of him and take him to all the treatments he will still need. I’m just spreading the word out because I knew that I have a few people/followers that live in the area that I know personally.

I just don’t understand. Tears fell down my face while reading the article and I got so angry and so pissed off. What is going through someone’s brain while committing such a crime. What the hell is with this power struggle so many apparently struggle with when it comes to animals?

Get over yourselves people. It’s an animal, not a toy. You’re not a little child that feels ownership over his favorite toy. If you didn’t know, an animal is still a living creature. It’s not a human, but that’s perfectly FINE. An animal doesn’t speak our language, it doesn’t walk on two legs (your average pet), it doesn’t eat using utensils and it doesn’t poop or pee sitting down on a toilet (unless trained). That’s it.
It breathes, it moves, it feels, it needs, it desires, it protests, it feels proud, it makes a mess and it is WORTHY. Worthy of a person’s love and nurture. I can’t explain it any simpler words. I don’t feel like I should. Any normal, sane brain will understand and won’t need any other ”reason” why not to hurt or abuse an animal that never wishes any harm towards you. It’s so heartbreaking in the most astonishing ways. I wish I knew what was going on inside my cats mind, I wish I knew what they were thinking. I wish I knew what they had to say.

Sometimes, what really truly get’s to me is the comments. I don’t know why we all feel the obligation to scroll down the comments, because in so many cases where we know what we are expecting,it should just be ignored. Comments such as the following;
”Stupid people omg, crying over an animal”,
”omg, its just a dog”,
”is a fucking animal, it doesn’t deserve love. it’s just there for our entertainement”,
”in our country these types of stuff are completely ignored, it’s just a fucking animal”.
The comments really sink into my brain and it’s where I get furious with our world and people and the fact I live among these creatures who call themselves respectable human beings, thinking they’re worthy of respect. Not in my eyes. Not if you do this, not if you defend this.
I don’t and will never understand it. I will never, ever justify animal abuse for who ever it may be. People lose complete respect in my eyes when and if the deliberate harm of an animal touches their hands. People who feel that the emotion of hate felt towards animals is gloat worthy need to re-think their conciousness and their life. It is not alright and it is so unfair.

I dont want anyone to get me wrong. Hurting an animal in self-defense can be justified. Many street animals do have problems and rage-control problems and they can be unpredictable, even to little children. Even rats. But I will not justify an act of abuse, when the animal is minding their own business and you deliberately pick on it and worse, I don’t want to list it. You got what you asked for, what you do is what you get.

And remember this, this is something MANY annoying parents need to realize; An animal without a problem, will NEVER touch a young child/baby. They know what is an innocent being when they see it. It may look like they want to hurt it, but if your child is smaller than the dog, everything seems scary. If an animal attacked a child that was messing with him, it means your child is very much capable of knowing that they shouldn’t mess with street animals and toy with them. It’s not always the animal’s fault just because your child is considered little. Many street animals feel threatened ahead of time because they probably already let someone your child’s age toy with them and they ended up being kicked or shoved. Your child can’t know that? Neither can he.
Every animal has it’s why. It can be very see-through if an animal has a problem or if it’s acting suspcious. You just need to care enough to observe.

I am not an animal expert, but I do like to think I can understand them. I have been bitten by cats, dogs, parrots, guinea pigs, turtles, both indors and outdoors. I would walk up randomly to a cat on the street and prematurely start petting it, and even though she doesn’t hesitate for long, her claws come out and she holds onto my skin. I understand it and I stay still and look her right in the eye as a sign I don’t want to grab her, hurt her or anything. It is genuinely not my intention. Each and every time, the cat would look back and remove her claws and stand still. I would ease into it once more and she’d let me pet her.

They are very much aware that they ARE smaller and weaker than you and therefore, have to be on double watch for their well being.

I know I am writing something so generic, something that most people hear but it’s so heart breaking. I don’t understand it and I feel like a small percentage of people adress these types of things.

Each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me. - Anthony Douglas Williams. !!